Published 2021-05-17 06:00
"The venues for all art forms have been darkened during this pandemic with the closures of live music venues, outdoor concerts and festivals. Folksinger, poet and author Michael Johnathon has turned to oil painting during this time of isolation, inspiring a brand new song cycle and album, 'The Painter'."
- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -
"Michael Johnathon was one of the 2020 recipients of a Milner Award, a Governor’s award presented to Kentuckians who have made a significant impact in the arts world, joining the likes of Jean Ritchie, Wendell E Berry and the late novelist James Still. The new album, 'The Painter', suggests a few other honours wouldn’t go amiss."
- Mike Davies / Folking -
"'The sequencing on Michael Johnathon's 'The Painter' is as exceptional as the songs themselves, with Dylan's 'Make You Feel My Love' being followed by a folk re-invention of 'Blue Moon', and ending with 'Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)' which, if nothing else reminded me what a great and undervalued songwriter Don McLean was, is, and, what a wonderful voice Michael Johnathon has."
- Alan Harrison / The Rocking Magpie -
"If this would have been released 50 years ago, American singer songwriter Michael Johnathon could have been a major label artist."
- Gabor Kleinbloesem / Strutterzine -
"The admiration of the American singer songwriter Michael Johnahton from Kentucky for the Dutch impressionistic 19th century painter Vincent van Gogh is reflected in several songs on his newest record 'The Painter'. The storytelling ballads on this album can be regarded as modern art in music, like the paintings from van Gogh are to be seen as true art in their field."
- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -
"Michael Johnathon's 'The Painter' is an untypical journey and album with many unusual and interesting pictures."
- Branimir Lokner / TIme Machine Music -