Songs Of The Week


Published 2024-08-13 06:00

"Dagens låt är 'We The Gathered' som är hämtat från Greg Copelands kommande album och just utgiven på single. En finstämd rocklåt med vurm för sköna klanger."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Dagens låt blir "Boon Time", Greg Copelands nya single från den kommande skivan i september. En pärla som låter så där underbart amerikansk, och hyser samma känsla som att lyssna på Ry Cooders musik i rent emotionellt hänseende."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Today Glide Magaizne is offering an exclusive premiere of the standout track 'We the Gathered', a moody composition from Greg Copeland's forthcoming EP, 'Empire State', that slowly builds suspense with layers of feedback laced guitar and rolling drums to complement Copeland’s socially potent lyrics. Reminscent of artists like Jerry Joseph and Alejandro Escovedo, the song finds Copeland traversing territory that is both spiritual and pointed in its commentary of society. As the track builds, the guitars become more psychedelic and intense as the sprawling track careens towards its conclusion."

- Audio Premieres / Glide Magazine -

"Recorded in a single session, 'We The Gathered', the new single from Greg Copeland's upcoming EP, 'Empire State', has been called both a straight up hymn and a soundtrack for a Cormac McCarthy story. The song is about our long journey to heaven."

- Donna Block / Medium -

""Greg Copeland couldn’t be accused of not taking his time over his musical releases, ‘Boon Time’ is from his latest EP, ‘Empire State‘, which will be released on September 6th. The cinemagraphic lyrically quick cut hints at present violence and future uncertainties."

- Jonathan Aird / Americana UK -

More about Greg Copeland