Album Of The Week


Published 2023-11-20 06:00

"Sammantaget handlar det här om sparsamt orkestrerade toner, men med medvetna texter, som kombinerar en stor portion vemod, med en lika stor portion harmoni. På köpet får lyssnaren dessutom en gnutta blues-stänk i några låtar."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Det här är musik som har en äldre musikalisk känsla fastän det är 2023. Musik som hela tiden får min värld att för varje sång bliva bättre i känslan. Texterna är jordnära och finstilta, om livet, kärlek, vänskap och, ja, allt som kan ske i vår jordiska tillvaro."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"C Daniel Boling har släppt sitt 9:e soloalbum, 'New Old Friends'. Daniel har turnerat i hela USA, Europa, Kanada, Nya Zeeland och Australien. Han började att turnera på heltid vid 50 års ålder. Daniel är också medlem i 1960-tals folktrion The Limeliters som brukade turnera med Brothers Four och Kingston Trio. Vid inspelningarna har han med sig 10 musikanter, bland andra Jono Manson och Tom Paxton, den senare sjunger också med på 5 av de 15 låtarna."

- Börje Holmén / Musikbloggen 67 -

"This 45 minute set by C Daniel Boling includes Tom Paxton’s vocals on 5 songs and it was recorded in Sante Fe, New Mexico, by Jono Manson. The music has a nostalgic curve since they’re written from the perspective of an elder statesman. There’s no lameness, pontificating, or sermonizing. It’s all kept respectfully light. Reminiscing plays a role and Daniel’s vocals are always sincere."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"Albuquerque, New Mexico, based balladeer and songwriter Daniel Boling releases 'New Old Friends', his 9th full length CD. The album is Boling’s 1st collaboration with folk icon and Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Tom Paxton, and both say it won’t be their last."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Not only is this pure and simple folk music, C Daniel Boling instills every square inch of his songs with the soul of americana that so many younger singers strive for, but miss by a country mile. In C Daniel Boling we have a singer with a voice that has lived a full life and has stories to tell, that we all want to hear."

- Alan Harrison / The Rocking Magpie -

"After a recent encounter in Colorado, folk legend Tom Paxton and New Mexico based musician C Daniel Boling agreed to use Zoom video sessions to together compose 15 songs for Boling’s newest album, 'New Old Friends, on which the 85 years young Tom Paxton sings on 5 tracks. Listening to all these stories one can feel the respect and love for each other between the two singer songwriters that is reflected in this magnificent record."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about C Daniel Boling