Album Of The Week


Published 2023-11-14 06:00

"Vemodigt och vackert från en rutinerad artist, som inte minst har spelat och gett ut skivor med flera band och inte minst dessutom trakterar en bas med bravur. Samtidigt ännu ett bevis på vad mycket god musik som ges ut på andra sidan Atlanten och som allt som oftast försvinner i mängden, toner som är värda all uppmärksamhet och spelningar i radion."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"På något sätt glider dessa sånger iväg mot skönhetens skogar och ängar. Undertecknad får nästan Chris Isaak 'Wicked Game-känsla. Musiken är country och flytande kristallklar pop, där varje låt är en diamantskimrande droppstensformation vid lyssningen. Musiken är skiffer och vackra bärnstenar med Nolan Mckelvey som svävar likt en ängel. Som om Roy Orbison skulle vara reinkarnerad uppenbarelse i vår samtid i form av Nolan Mckelvey. En platta som kom ut i somras fastän räcker året om."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"We hope you enjoy Nolan McKelvey’s new release. Emerging from the shadow of covid 19, the tragic loss of a dear family friend who died by suicide, the death of McKelvey’s father, and within also 6 months his mother, Nolan McKelvey steps into the light with his release, 'Forward'."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Given the Arizona based singer songwriter had suffered a family friend's suicide and the loss of both his father and mother within 6 months of each other, this, his 3rd solo album is, as the title suggests, charged with far more hope and positivity than you might expect."

- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -

"The 1st couple of songs Nolan McKelvey's new album show that he is a song orientated musician who has stories to tell us. Melodies are all over the place and thanks to the guest musicians on drums, sax, pedal steel, dobro, keys, violin, etc. it all sounds quite diverse as well. Definitely an album you need to check out, because it is too good to just pass on."

- Gabor Kleinbloesem / Strutterzine -

"Since more than 25 years, US singer songwriter Nolan McKelvey has been performing on multiple stages and recorded several albums as a solo artist, as well as a member of the bands Tramps & Thieves and Muskellunge. With this excellent new album, ‘Forward’, with 10 self penned alt country and americana songs, he has now released most probably one of the very best albums in his musical career."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Nolan McKelvey