Album Of The Week


Published 2023-07-25 06:00

"Det mesta på Jaime Michaels nya skiva ' How To Shine' är riktigt bra. Det är berättande texter och ett slags tilltalande vemod över hela anrättningen. En skiva att återvända till när hösten närmar sig och temperaturen utomhus går mot det kylslagna. Alltså i huvudsak 11 låtar som värmer."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Jaime Michaels nya album ' How To Shine' tycker jag särskilt mycket om, eftersom låtarna är mjuka, subtila och vackra hymner rakt genom hela albumet."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Jaime Michaels has recorded and released 12 solo albums to date, 3 of which have been nominated for Record Of The Year at the New Mexico Music Awards. His live activity leads him to perform throughout the United States and Europe, in house concerts, festivals and in large and small venues, with his faithful Taylor guitar. 'How To Shine' is his 12th studio album and was produced by Jono Manson in his Kitchen Sink Studio."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"A dozen albums down the line, 'How To Shine' is unlikely to greatly expand Jaime Michaels' audience beyond his New Mexico stomping grounds and his Italian fanbase, but these who may be prompted to check him out won't be disappointed."

- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -

"I find Jaime Michaels to be a singer songwriter with the melodic intuition and lyrical instincts of artists like Tim Hardin, Mickey Newberry, Bobby Darin and Greg Trooper. His voice is warm, the showcase tight and the musicians bring their best to this showcase."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"'How To Shine’ is folk and americana troubadour Jaime Michaels’ 12th solo album, again produced by Santa Fe’s singer songwriter Jono Manson. The 11 self penned songs on this new record are once again interesting stories about his personal life and experiences that are told in nice melodic easy listening music."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

"Jaime Michaels' 'How To Shine' offers a guarantee of positive vibrations, and an optimistic smile on your face."

- Branimir Lokner / Time Machine Music -

More about Jaime Michaels