Album Of The Week


Published 2023-07-11 06:00

"Gregory Page 'Modern Man' har lika lekfulla toner som det som Brian Wilson en gång i tiden presterade. Typ som i 'Dinner And A Movie', 'Low Then High' och 'Lets escape', en slags harmoni korsat med ordet annorlunda. Likväl är det småmysig lyssning och definitivt melodiöst, och emellanåt även lite jazzigt och med klara rytmer av bossanova."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Det här är en störtskön skiva där musiken låter som om det vore en flygplats eller ett cocktail party med barpianister i rymddräkt som sjunger framtidens evergreens. Brian Eno vore nog ganska lycklig här, tror jag. Gregory Page gör vårens bästa soundtrack."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"'The tightrope my music teeters upon is the struggle between tradition and progress, history and fantasy. I am the songbird and the worm'. Gregory Page is an international performing songwriter whose music time travels from the distant past into the imagined future. His new album, 'Modern Man', was co-produced by Jason Mraz.

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Gregory Page's 'Modern Man' is an album full of delights at every turn, and keeps you both guessing and interested from the first track to the last."

- Adam Jenkins / Fatea Magazine -

"Though Gregory Page's music features the use of synths this time out, the arrangements and performances don’t depict much of a progressive rock spacey type showcase. The folksiness of his songs is still solid, catchy and 'The World’s Gone Mad', is probably quite appropriate for our times. Page’s voice isn’t heavy duty baritone or aggressive, but it’s melodic when he applies his friendly oriented tone to upbeat humorous sparklers like 'F The Future'.”

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"Californian singer songwriter Gregory Page discovered his songwriting skills at the age of 27. He was catching up very fast, and today having released more than 30 records. Now he is 60 years young and he could reckon on the help of his good friend Jason Mraz to produce his new album, 'Modern Man'. It is a collection of 12 songs in which the sound of guitars has been taken over by the omnichord, a type of electronic synthesizer that was developed in the early 80's.

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Gregory Page