Published 2023-01-31 06:00
"Inte varje dag man tillfälle att skriva om holländare. Men i dag handlar det om Tip Jar, ett slags musikkollektiv, som serverar americana och John Hiatt-country i en dos som faktiskt låter oförskämt trevligt. Låtar som 'Creaking Of The Stairs', 'Garden Party' (inte Ricky Nelsons låt) och 'Love & Understanding' är oemotståndliga. Den senare både refrängmässig och snudd på Doobie Brothers-aktig."
- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -
"Låtarna, med några få undantag, har små melankoliska inslag, och förutom att de är snygga, är det varma låtar, och behaglig musik att ta till sig i slutändan."
- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -
"Ett eko från sjuttiotalet, country rock och americana, innan det hette så."
- Jonas Öhman / Om Country -
"Tip Jar är duktiga musiker och sjunger bra, speciellt Arianne Knegt har en fin sångröst."
- Robert Ryttman / Zero Magazine -
"The songwriting is strong and actually better than many American counterparts who wallow in clichés because a few don’t have a grip on the creative language. The overall presentation is always bold and flavorful like the finest food. The band may be foreign, but their infectious Americana has caught the deep ears of audiences in Texas and that’s a hard group to impress."
- John Apice / Americana Highways -
"This album appeared last year as a follow up to the previous 20201 release, 'One Lifetime', which was a fine example of the high quality output of this Dutch duo. Bart de Win and his wife Arianne Knegt formed Tip Jar back in 2013 and the music they create spans different musical genres. At the centre of the writing is the close harmony of Bart and Arianne, and their focus on a solid sense of musicality, build over years of hard earned experience and inspiration. Another worthy release and worth your time investing in the creative vision of Tip Jar."
- Paul McGee / Lonesome Highway -
"“'Songs About Love And Life On The Hippie Side Of Country' is the 6th record from Dutch duo Tip Jar, being singer songwriter and keyboard virtuoso Bart de Win and his singing partner Arianne Knegt. As before there was now again some vocal and instrumental help from the American folk and country musician Walt Wilkins. But you can be convinced that all of the 12 folk, country and americana songs on this new album are worthwhile to be played and replayed."
- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -
"I think that many followers of the 1970’s period will be satisfied with the musical choices of this Dutch band. The group has produced some specific views, without changing anything in particular from before, in their signature approach."
- Branimir Lokner / Time Machine Music -