Album Of The Week


Published 2022-11-08 06:00

"Those Barren Leaves är både jordnära och flyger högt samtidigt på en gång. Musik för folk som tycker om pop med poetiska klanger."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Jag blir förtjust i en palett av nyanserad indie rock, drömskt bejakande pop, innovativ psykedelia, samt några stänk americana. Överlag ett osvenskt sound. I brist på lämpliga jämförelser kan musiken beskrivas som en fusion av Cocteau Twins och Ride."

- Mats Hallberg / Kulturbloggen -

"What do you do when a pandemic brutally puts all your plans and your ideas of making a great rock album on hold? Well, the duo Those Barren Leaves (Marit and Martin Deubler Holmlund) had their answer to that question clear. You deal with it….."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"This effort has no shortage of melodies in the repertoire and all their pop craft is applied cleverly, since it’s not rooted in American cliches or blueprints. There’s a nice rural pastoral mix to the music. Well done!"

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"The Swedish couple Marit and Martin Deubler Holmlund from Gothenburg are calling their band Those Barren Leaves after a satiric novel by Aldous Huxley from 1925. Last year the duo released their debut album ‘Directions’ which is now already succeeded by record number 2, ‘W.I.A.B.R.’, on which they are performing a number of nice rock ballads and real swinging rock’n’roll tunes with alternating lead vocals.“

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Those Barren Leaves