Album Of The Week


Published 2024-03-04 06:00

"Precis som skivomslaget antyder, bjuder amerikanska Annie Gallup på drömsk musik, en slags lugn variant av Kate Bush om man så vill. Färska skivan, 'Small Fortune', hennes 14:e om jag har räknat rätt, är väldigt tillbakalutad, där rösten står i fokus till ett väldigt sparsamt komp."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Annie Gallups 'Small Fortune' är precis, klar och harmonisk i kompositionerna. Annie bottnar i den anglosaxiska folkmusiken. Ibland får jag 80-talets favoritbard John Martyns album, och Judy Collins stilkänsla, i min värld. Ett helt genomtänkt album av pur skönhet."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Har Annie Gallup med 'Small Fortune' gjort sitt bästa album? Ja, det kan vara så."

- Bengt Eriksson / HiFi & Musik -

“Annie Gallup continues her journey of immediate and intimate songwriting delivered gently in deceptively simple compositions with superb production in her new studio album ‘Small Fortune’. Her poetic lyrics are always rich and carved deeply and carry more weight than seems possible.”

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Annie Gallup is a special artist who works a side of the road a few walk. But when they do, they see things, sense things, smell things, they never knew before. I would stand on the corner across the street, just waiting to wave to her."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"Annie Gallup's 'Small Fortune' is an absolute treasure!"

- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -

"Since we know Annie Gallup as a solo artist, and as part of Hat Check Girl with her husband Peter Gallway, we have been heavily impressed by her impeccable vocal performance. But now also on the 11 songs of her 13th solo album, 'Small Fortune', she is once more very convincing as songwriter. Poetic, intimate and touching our hearts on their weakest spot."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Annie Gallup