Published 2023-03-16 12:00
"The tightrope my music teeters upon is the struggle between tradition and progress, history and fantasy. I am the songbird and the worm." ~ Gregory Page
Gregory Page is an international performing songwriter whose music time travels from the distant past into the imagined future. His forthcoming album, "Modern Man" was co-produced by Jason Mraz, with the 1st single "The World's Gone Mad" set to be released on March 17th, 2023.
"The World's Gone Mad" is a song on a mission that launches the listener on a journey exploring the entropy created by our insatiable need for speed. The song struggles to make sense of the nonsense pervading daily life in these confounding times, while racing to the rhythm of the interstellar autobahn.
This single and the new album as a whole, represent an even more unexpected sharp left turn from an already musically diverse and prolific artist, who now presents us with a texturally rich, sonically curious, and at times darkly humorous transmission of audio possibilities. Like so many who have been deeply affected by the unusual events of the past few years, Page couldn’t help but take a deep dive inward, only to emerge with more questions than answers.
Page muses, "If you were to tell me a decade ago while I was recording original songs with a ragtime orchestra, that in 2023 I'd be releasing a new album written on a battery powered synthesizer, I wouldn’t have believed you”. The artist explains, “Through this new collection of songs, I struggle to feel at ease in the modern world, in which most of the time I feel lost. On this album, I abandon my trusty acoustic guitar and replace it with the Omnichord. This is a concept album that tells a story of the modern experience in 12 musical chapters”.