Published 2025-03-04 06:00
"Kate McDonnells 'Trapeze' innehåller poetiska texter och tänkvärda händelser från nutiden, plus musik, som med lätthet kan sorteras in i samma fack som de allra största amerikanska sångerskorna inom samma genre. Jag tänker på aktade namn som Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, och inte minst Judy Collins och Suzanne Vega."
- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -
"Kate McDonnels nya album är lika bra som något av Judy Collins, Joan Baez, Eric Anderson eller Stephen Stills, enligt min egen världsbild. Låtarna är klara och skimrande berättelser med bra komponerade sanningar i sin lyriska stilkänsla. Klanger, toner och fina ackord bygger upp en modern låtskatt."
- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -
"Kate McDonnells 'Trapeze' består av ett fint hantverk, proffsigt utfört och innerligt framställt, så jag hoppas att hon får den framgång hon förtjänar med det här albumet."
- Robert Ryttman / Zero Magazine -
"Kate McDonnell’s 6th album, is rooted in contemporary American life, with topics ranging from hope and life’s purpose surrendering to love and desire in crazy times. On the heels of her successful album 'Ballad Of A Bad Girl', 'Trapeze' comprises 14 original songs written over a prolific 3 years. Her new songs will hit your gut with truth, intelligence, and humor."
- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -
"Kate McDonnell's 6th solo album trades in a captivating mix of rootsy blues and folksier Americana on songs of love, loss and yearning, suffused with strong echoes of Janis Ian, especially on the wonderful follow your dreams title track. She flies through the musical air with the greatest of ease."
- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -
"This is a generously filled out 6th album that runs for nearly an hour. Produced by Jimi Woodul, it comes in a laminated 8 panel fold out CD package. The performances are all superb. Kate McDonnell, Sam Zucchini and James Gascoyne converge on 14 swings on this 'Trapeze', written over 3 years. The original songs cover a wide range of intense topics with a swipe at humor and truth."
- John Apice / Americana Highways -
"Albany, New York, based folk singer and songwriter Kate McDonnell has just released her 6th solo record, 'Trapeze'. On this album she brings 7 fully self composed songs and 7 tracks that were co-written with her longtime friend Anne Lindley. Her intelligent stories are sometimes humoristic, sometimes very serious and introspective. In the song 'Step Right Up' she expresses her anger about the fast increasing gun violence in the USA that is killing too many innocent young children."
- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -
"Kate McDonnell has created a dozen songs done in mid to mid uptempo, where distant vocalization and some stylish association leads to earlier periods such as the 70's era, but with contemporary views towards newer tendencies within americana, roots music and folk breakthroughs."
- Branimir Lokner / Time Machine Music -