Album Of The Week


Published 2024-08-27 06:00

"Lolly Lee från Alabama är en helt ny bekantskap, och hon gör musik som lätt kan sorteras in i samma fack som Lucinda Williams och några till. Dessutom är skivan producerad av Anthony Crawford, som inte minst spelat med självaste Neil Young och här dessutom förgyller med sång och trakterar en massa instrument, precis som Lolly Lee själv gör. Mycket fräscha toner på en självbetitlad skiva, som är väl värd en provlyssning."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Det här är en rockplatta med stora sånger i det små vardagliga livets tillvaro, och ett fränt komp med sving i stilen. Lolly Lee skapar en skiva med bravur och dessutom håller hårt i rockens traditioner. Med andra ord, en sommar-rockplatta."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"This debut album undeniably puts Lolly Lee into the driver’s seat of unknown legends and Anthony Crawford riding shotgun as producer to watch. Recorded at renowned Admiral Bean Studio, she has attracted the admiration of many, with her producer’s old bandmate, Ralph Molina of Neil Young’s Crazy Horse band calling her 'an underestimated underdog real deal rock and roll artist coming out of nowhere from the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama'."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Lolly Lee's album has a bold, pure americana sound, full of emotions, and pleasantly old fashioned."

- Wolfgang Giese / Musik An Sich -

"At the age of 63, Alabama based musician Lolly Lee finally decided to record 11 of the compositions that she created during her life as wife and mother. On her self titled debut album, she presents dynamic rock songs with subtle influences from country and americana music. All instrumentation for the songs was provided by multi instrumentalist Anthony Crawford who also took the role as producer of this highly professional recorded album."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

"Lolly Lee's brand new album is a strong debut from a strong lady."

- Cis van Looy / Written In Music -

More about Lolly Lee