Album Of The Week


Published 2024-08-05 06:00

"Al Rose senaste platta. 'Again The Beginner', är en stabil skiva som vandrar över sinnen och känslor, med ett fundament av trygg rock och plausibla mogna vuxna emotioner i texterna och ett fint anlag för kompositioner. En platta som jag tror kommer ge sommaren färg och rikedom."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Al Rose's new album, 'Again The Beginner', does not fit into a typical pigeonhole, rather this pigeonhole bears the imprint of Al Rose! Furthermore, I hear traces of other musicians and associate them as follows. Tom Petty, Roger McGuinn, The Grateful Dead or even T Bone Burnett."

- Wolfgang Giese / Musik An Sich -

"He may not be the hardest working musician in the business if we look at the rate and the timing of his album releases, but when singer songwriter Al Rose from Chicago sends us his 8th record, 'Again The Beginner', just 8 years after album number 7, then our curiosity and interest is awakened due to our knowledge that top quality and good music and songs are always guaranteed."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Al Rose