Decades of Dormancy


Published 2023-06-09 06:00

Formed in the mid 90’s in the countryside outside the city of Borås, Sweden, by 2 childhood friends, the group came to be mostly as a way to keep another band going, while some members moved abroad for some time. After a while the rehearsing of existing songs transitioned into jamming and writing new material and a new band was born. A singer and guitarist, a bassist and a temporary drummer.

With a mutual love for 60’s and eastern music the teenage duo spent countless hours in the boys room in the forests of Bredared making early attempts at songs with bass, guitars, vocals, and sampled tablas and sitar.

After a cassette demo was released in 1996 the duo recruited other friends with a similar love for music, a lead singer, a keyboard player and a drummer. The newly formed quintet played and recorded in and around the city of Borås from the year 1996 up until ca 2002, among other things as a support act to the neo psychedelic grand master Steve Wynn of Dream Syndicate fame. They released a 5 song EP in 1999 and almost finished another one in 2002 before going into an 18 years long hiatus.

In the year of covid, 2020 the original duo got a fancy and started jamming again, just the 2 of them, in the same way as things started out back in the day. After a couple of rehearsals and some re-recordings of old material later, one of the original drummers, a multi instrumentalist and producer was invited to rejoin the band. The final pieces of the puzzle fell into place and the hiatus was over.

The members are joined by a mutual love of 60’s and 70’s rock, fusion jazz, electronic music, folk, goth psychedelia and americana and country music.

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