Album Of The Week


Published 2023-04-25 06:00

"Jeff Larson, kanske en av världens bäst bevarade storheter släpper nu en EP med låtar av legenden Tim Hardin. Jeff Larson, med skandinaviska rötter, har jobbat mycket med Gerry Beckley från America tidigare och produceras även av honom här. Lågmäld pop och musik med alla ingredienser som behövs. Världsklass!"

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Det är en verklig kulturgärning av Jeff Larson att ta sig an Tim Hardin som skrev magiska lyriska sånger som tar andan ur oss som lyssnar. Jeff Larsson träffar helt rätt med sin hyllningsskiva."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Ett nytt album från Jeff Larson lär vara i antågande. Under tiden duger den här EP'n fint. 6 tolkningar ur Tim Hardins repertoar. Hardins egna arrangemang var ju ofta sparsmakade, medan Jeff Larson utökat med orgel, dragspel, mandolin och fiol. 14 minuter ren och skär njutning."

- Lars Svensson / Rootsy -

"Det är väl ingen som slår Tim Hardin själv när det gäller sprödhet eller känsla, men Jeff Larson gör det mycket bra och med full respekt. Förhoppningsvis blir de som lyssnar mer intresserade av både Jeff och Tim."

- Tom Arvidsson / Thirsty Boots -

"Jeff Larson's 'It’ll Never Happen Again : A Tribute To Tim Hardin'' was produced, arranged and mixed by Gerry Beckley from the group America and features 1st single 'Reason To Believe', 2nd single 'If I Were A Carpenter', the title track, 'Don’t Make Promises', 'Misty Roses' and 'How Can We Hang On To A Dream'.”

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Jeff Larson is a capable artist who interprets with class. While he doesn’t have the warmth of Bobby Darin in his voice, Larson does have an abundance of sincerity and good tone throughout. 'Reason To Believe' is rendered remarkably well."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"With multiple albums to his credit, Jeff Larson adds to his notable legacy with this short, but sweet tribute to the late, great Tim Hardin."

- Robert S Silverstein / Roots Music Report -

"Singer songwriter Jeff Larson pays tribute to Tim Hardin via this CD, which was produced by another legend, Gerry Beckley of America. A very nice tribute to a legendary musician."

- Gabor Kleinbloesem / Strutterzine -

"Ahead of his new forthcoming album with own songs, San Francisco Bay based singer songwriter Jeff Larson has released a tribute EP. It contains 6 songs from American folk and blues musician Tim Hardin, who died far too young in 1980 at the age of 39 years, due to an overdose of heroin. He was at the time an inspiration for the young Jeff Larson to try his success in the world of folk and americana music.“

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Jeff Larson