Album Of The Week


Published 2025-03-12 06:00

"Musikaliskt är det harmoni rakt igenom och musiken andas mjuk country i en lagom kombination med den där typiska amerikanska folkmusiken, alltså det som idag bäst kan beskrivas som americana. Alla 12 låtarna är övervägande av det tillbakalutade och lugna formatet, och jag inbillar mig att musiken kan låta ännu mer tilltalande på en liten scen i hemstaden Austin, Texas."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Ytterligare en stor skiva från det musikaliska paret, Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Jim Patton and Sherry Brokus make the kind of music that’s driven by both passion and purpose. They take sketches of everyday life and transform them into songs that ring and resonate in ways that are both mindful and memorable. Their 3rd album since the pandemic, 'Harbortowne', represents the folk side of the duo’s folk rock, where 2023’s 'Big Red Gibson' was a return to the rock side of the equation."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"I have to confess their previous album left me cold, but this is a welcome return to their old school folksier and bluegrassy roots. This is an album that is a warm and engaging listen."

- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -

"This is a mixture of character based songs and some personal reflection on times past. Overall it’s an album worth investigating, if only for the superb musicianship and the fine song composition."

- Paul McGee / Lonesome Highway -

"Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus' new album is a heady mix of nostalgic americana and edgy songwriting, and provides a breath of fresh air for the genre. They have captured what modern folk music should be about, reflecting the real world in song, its beauty and its darkness."

- Graeme Smith / York Calling -

"Jim Patton and Sherry Brokus are an American married couple that have been composing and singing folk and rock songs together since 2008. Striking is their frequency to release new qualitative records. In 2024 there was the album 'Big Red Gibson' in early spring, and now in the autumn, we welcome another record called 'Harbortowne' with 12 new great Jim Patton compositions."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

"After a relatively short period of time, Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus are back with a new album. Again in co-operation with Berkalin Records, and with 12 current songs, they present a new vision of americana and folk rock approach."

- Branimir Lokner / Time Machine Music -

More about Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus