Album Of The Week


Published 2024-07-16 06:00

"Innan jag fick 'Everyday Miracle' i näven, hade jag faktiskt aldrig hört, eller ens hört talats om, Brock Davis, men efter att ha stiftat bekantskap med honom, längtar jag redan efter uppföljaren."

- Tomas Grip / HiFi & Musik -

"Writing and recording 'Everyday Miracle' has been artistically and personally inspirational for Brock Davis. 'Many artists and writers buy into the idea that the best songs come from a broken heart', Brock says. 'While pain can certainly produce a beautiful creation, so can love. You can create from a place of hope, wonder, and love, and it seems to me that creation is a true everyday miracle'."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"It turns out that this time there are more influences from modern country music on Brock Davis new album, which is definitely a plus in the mix with this strong emotional focus. Acoustic guitars, occasional pedal steel, slide guitars and traces of roots rock, a little folky singer songwriter elements, and then a really pleasant, heart touching song in a light country style ('I'll Always Be Your Dad') bring a pleasant variety to the direction of the music, a bit of folk also found its way into 'The Warrior'."

- Wolfgang Giese / Musik An Sich -

"“Following his 2022 record ‘A Song Waiting To Be Sun’, Canadian born folk and country singer songwriter Brock Davis went living in sunny Santa Cruz, California. His marriage and the start of a happy family life inspired him to compose 13 songs about love, hope and loyalty for his newest album, ‘Everyday Miracle’, which he again recorded in Nashville, TN.“

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

"Brock Davis is a singer songwriter and author with a strong signature. His legacy is respectable, and more or less, all of his songs talks about personal, emotional and experienced events, life stories and feelings. Without a doubt, he is an author with a huge experience, and his new album is produced by the legendary Zach Allen."

- Branimir Lokner / Time Machine Music -

More about Brock Davis