Album Of The Week


Published 2023-06-27 06:00

"Sammantaget är Billy Jones 'Roy On The Hill' en varm och fin skiva, med musik som är harmonisk och som det är lätt att ta till sig, och bli glad av. Med andra ord, en ny upptäckt att hålla koll på i framtiden."

- Torbjör Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Billy Jones 'Roy On The Hill' är en skiva som jag blir nästan löjligt glad över att få lyssna på. Ett album där country, rock och, ja, kanske blues med pop i botten, rör sig."

- Micheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Den som missar den här skivan förtjänar en rejäl utskällning."

- Lars Svensson / Rootsy -

"'Roy On The Hill' is the latest record release by singer, songwriter, guitarist Billy Jones, and Slàinte, and was recorded at Nobel Studios, Gothenburg, Sweden, engineered and produced by Dan Johansson and released by Billy’s and Slàinte’s own label Beejayzus Music. It will be on sale at all music outlets, including digital, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, etc."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"'Roy On The Hill' showcases the rootsy Billy Jones, who wrote and arranged all songs. They have an immediate and warm traditional sound. There really isn’t a bad tune here."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"The music on Billy Jones' 'Roy On The Hill' is a folksy singer songwriter affair that sounds quite nice and also very diverse. It definitely does have a Scottish, Irish kinda approach, therefore I recommend it to all the celtic, folk, singer, songwriter fans out there."

- Gabor Kleinbloesem / Strutterzine -

"Aged over 70, Scottish born singer songwriter Billy Jones is now living for more than 30 years in Sweden, where he has been playing his traditional folk and country music in the duo Slàinte, with fiddler Jonas Liljeström. Several decades after the release of his debut album, Billy has now created a wonderfully arranged and performed new album called 'Roy On The Hill'."

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Billy Jones