Album Of The Week


Published 2023-04-03 06:00

"Drew Young är en artist som sticker ut och borde härja på countrylistorna 'over there'. Jo, han lär dessutom ha jobbat med Dr John och inte minst svensken Anders Osborne. Bara det inger viss respekt och nyfikenhet."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Drew Young gräver i Texas-myllan och har lika mycket honky tonk som southern rock i sig. Gram Parson möter Lynyrd Skynyrd via Steve Earle ungefär."

- MIcheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"På Drew Young's 'Bourbon & Bad Decions' är det country rock som gäller."

- Börje Holmén / Musikbloggen 67 -

"During the lockdown of 2020 Drew Young realized that alcohol was no longer serving his life and Drew joined the many ‘friends of Bill’. Hence, the name of the new album, 'Bourbon & Bad Decisions'. This decision has proven to be a huge creative win and the joys of sobriety continue to grow daily."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"“From an extensive set of 60 newly composed songs, American crooner Drew Young from New Orleans, Louisiana, has selected 12 tracks to be collected on his latest album 'Bourbon & Bad Decisions'. A nice variation of love related country ballads and uptempo rock songs ensure a pleasant listening to nicely crafted tunes.“

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Drew Young